Monday, March 15, 2010

From Stephen Foster: Our next meal prep, 3/20

The menu is:
Salmon pie
white asparagus
soda bread
Han & pickle salad sandwich
fruit cup

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Take and Eat, Inc - Berkshire Foundation $20,000 Non-Profit Give-Away Results - Click BELOW for details

From Charlotte Buijnarowski: Our next meal prep, 3/20

From: Charlotte Buijnarowski
Date: Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 9:16 PM
Subject: Our next meal prep, 3/20
To: Steve Foster; Gail Foster; Cathy Irish; Jim Corey; Bob Judge; Bobbie Ayers; Bev Pead; Allan Patriquin, Sarah Smith; Charlotte Buijnarowski

Hello All,
Our next meal prep is March 20th....   We are following up on an offer from All Saints for  a contribution of salmon pies and Irish soda bread!  Bev will have the bakers make oatmeal raisin cookies with nuts, and blueberry muffins.  I'd say that's a great start!
Besides the menu items, is there anything else we need to purchase?  Bobbie, how are we doing on packing materials?  Could you please also check on hairnets and gloves?
We had discussed holding an organizational meeting following the meal prep, so I'm checking if people would be available to meet at noon on that day....please let me know.  Agenda items include:
Finances - Allan will update us, and we can discuss from there.
Cross-Training - let's get detailed documentation in place, based on everything we've figured out in the last six months, and get others up to speed on each job.
Volunteers - we have so many, what do we do with them all?
Fourth Weekend - can we help another group get going to cover this?

What Else - please contribute ideas and concerns!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Health laws halt hot meal program

Date: Mar 8, 2010
"For eight years parishioners at the United Church of Christ in Medfield cooked up hearty batches of chili and chicken soup and brought them to the streets of Boston, handing out bowls of sustenance to the city's homeless."